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A magnificent panorama of the Beaume Valley  and the Tanargue mountain. Taste the land of the Cévennes in Ardèche


 La Bola is a farm-to-table locavore restaurant : we are farmer and sheep breeder and we cook mainly products from our farm or gathered around  chestnuts, herb lambs, garden vegetables and fruits, saffron, mushrooms, wild plants.
We serve a natural and true cuisine,  with the taste of the terroir and the seasons.


Logo partenaire - Cévennes d'Ardèche Logo partenaire - Étape savoureuse Logo partenaire - Goutez l'Ardèche Logo partenaire - Bienvenue à la ferme
Logo partenaire - Émerveillés par l'Ardèche
Ardèche Tanargue La Bola restaurant en pleine nature
Ardèche auberge La Bola©MatthieuDupont copie
Ardèche La Bola restaurant dans la nature
Ardèche La Bola restaurant terrasse en pleine nature
Ardèche restaurant gastronomique La Bola_Agneau Lentilles
Ardèche La Beaume La Bola cueillette champignons.JPG
Ardèche La Bola Fondant Agneau.jpeg
Ardèche restaurant La Bola Gastronomie Asperge.JPG
Ardèche salle chic et chaleureuse
Ardèche bélier_brebis_cévenole Raiöle